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Image by Kiwihug

Alchemy for The People 

Explore the past episodes of the Alchemy for The People podcast and delve into insightful discussions and conversations. Catch up on topics that resonate with you and discover the wisdom shared by our guests. 

Alchemy For The People 

Live Bi-Weekly on YouTube

Introduction of Alchemy for The People with information on Goldenrod.

Maladies, Patterns, and Nostrums for Inflammation.

Diving into the nervous system with supportive plants highlighted.

Educate so that you can advocate.  The importance of being your own health detective.

The mysterious phenomenon called Brain Fog, broken down and explained.

The heart and heart medicine.

Demonstration episode of the double extraction method for working with mushrooms and lichens.

Another episode diving into Lyme Disease.

Exploring the art of aromatherapy with special guest, Kelly Keyser-MIllar

Trauma and how it affects our health and what we can do to shift our patterns.

Winter is the time of tree medicine.  Evergreens are highlighted.

An overview of the holistic arts. 

Special guest Kelly Keyser-Millar talks about tarot.

Spring Wellness

Supporting our health as we move into Spring.

Another in depth talk on Lyme Disease.

A discussion on CV and post-CV.

Special guest, Meghan Llewelyn discussing her journey with MS.

Jen and special guest, Miles Filapeli, in a conversation about companion planting medicinals. 

A demonstration episode on crating herbal oils and herbal salves.

Supporting the BIG 3 with plant allies.

Special guest Maria Falce and her Infinite Heart work.

A demonstration on crating botanical bitters.

Special guest, Stasha Parker, discusses her journey with RA.

All things headache related, including nostrums from the plant world that can support.

Botanicals and applications for acute care.

Special guest Sean Padraig O'Donoghue discussing plant medicines and the heart.

A Round Table discussion with a panel of renowed professionals from the holistic field on the subject of Unease and Overwhelm.  Featuring David Dalton, Julie McIntyre, Jim Furey, Maria Falce, and Sean Padraig O'Donoghue.

Special guest Jennifer Caiazzo, RN, Holistic Nurse Consultant engages in a conversation about respiratory health that bridges allopathic and holistic realms.

Working with Coffee as a medicinal herb.

Special guest, Sean Padraig O'Donoghue sharing about neurotransmitters and plant medicine.

Respiratory health and herbs that can support.

A multi-subject Q&A

A multi-subject Q&A with support from the allopathic and holistic fields.  

Another look at Lyme & Co

Cultivating presence in the midst of fear.

Pain and Botanicals that may help.

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